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About Us
Objectives and Activities
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (Coordinator)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Research Centre for Economic Policy, Governance and Development
Stephan Schulmeister
Interuniversity Institute for the Relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean (IRELAC)
Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
University of Sao Paulo (USP)
International Conference | Multilateralism, democracy and EU-LAC relations in times of permacrisis
==V Cumbre Académica del FAP ALC-EU==
International Conference: Finance governance after the crises: challenges to EU, Latin America and the world
International Conference ‘Challenges to democracy in Europe and Latin America: National and regional perspectives’
International Conference: Financial Crisis, Equity, Democracy and Climate Change
International Conference: COP26 and Beyond
Roundtable: Digital Currencies: Implications for the International Monetary System
Webinar Series: Regional responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and Latin America
Webinar: Impact of the War in Ukraine on Latin America
Conferência PUC-Rio “Crise de Segurança na Europa: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Multilateralismo”
International Conference: Assessing Global and Regional Social Regulation in a Transnational World
Events JMN1 (2016-2019)
News and Media
Simulation of the European Union 2023 – Simulação da União Europeia no Brasil (SUEB) , organized by the Delegation of the European Union and the University of Brasilia (UnB), with the participation of Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann
Conference ‘O Impacto da Cúpula EU-CELAC e a parceria estratégica com o Brasil’ , Encontro Nacional da Rede Jean Monnet, ,16-17/08/2023, with the participation of Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann and Kai Lehmann
Brazilian Congress 21/06 (Seminário – O papel do financiamento na retomada do crescimento da economia) – with the participation of Stephany Griffith-Jones
BRICS Policy Center : The role of Development Banks in the Green Transition – with the participation of Stephany Griffith-Jones
GPF/S&D Webinar: A New World Order – What does the Global South want? – with the participation Monica Herz
Interview Tiziano Breda (IAI), on Democracy in Latin America and Bukele´s security policy (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Interview José Ruiz Briceño (UNAM), on Democracy in Latin America and Javier Milei´s approach to foreign policy (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Interview Maureen Santos (FASE), on the climate dimension of the EU-Mercosur agreement (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Interview Nicola Billota (EUI), on Digital Currencies and International Monetary System (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Participation of Stephany Griffith-Jones at Conference at the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES)
Call Special Issue – Contexto Internacional & Region/Periphery
Third EU-CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government will be held in Brussels on 17-18 July 2023
About Us
Objectives and Activities
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (Coordinator)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Research Centre for Economic Policy, Governance and Development
Stephan Schulmeister
Interuniversity Institute for the Relations between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean (IRELAC)
Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
University of Sao Paulo (USP)
International Conference | Multilateralism, democracy and EU-LAC relations in times of permacrisis
==V Cumbre Académica del FAP ALC-EU==
International Conference: Finance governance after the crises: challenges to EU, Latin America and the world
International Conference ‘Challenges to democracy in Europe and Latin America: National and regional perspectives’
International Conference: Financial Crisis, Equity, Democracy and Climate Change
International Conference: COP26 and Beyond
Roundtable: Digital Currencies: Implications for the International Monetary System
Webinar Series: Regional responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and Latin America
Webinar: Impact of the War in Ukraine on Latin America
Conferência PUC-Rio “Crise de Segurança na Europa: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Multilateralismo”
International Conference: Assessing Global and Regional Social Regulation in a Transnational World
Events JMN1 (2016-2019)
News and Media
Simulation of the European Union 2023 – Simulação da União Europeia no Brasil (SUEB) , organized by the Delegation of the European Union and the University of Brasilia (UnB), with the participation of Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann
Conference ‘O Impacto da Cúpula EU-CELAC e a parceria estratégica com o Brasil’ , Encontro Nacional da Rede Jean Monnet, ,16-17/08/2023, with the participation of Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann and Kai Lehmann
Brazilian Congress 21/06 (Seminário – O papel do financiamento na retomada do crescimento da economia) – with the participation of Stephany Griffith-Jones
BRICS Policy Center : The role of Development Banks in the Green Transition – with the participation of Stephany Griffith-Jones
GPF/S&D Webinar: A New World Order – What does the Global South want? – with the participation Monica Herz
Interview Tiziano Breda (IAI), on Democracy in Latin America and Bukele´s security policy (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Interview José Ruiz Briceño (UNAM), on Democracy in Latin America and Javier Milei´s approach to foreign policy (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Interview Maureen Santos (FASE), on the climate dimension of the EU-Mercosur agreement (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Interview Nicola Billota (EUI), on Digital Currencies and International Monetary System (Subtitles in English or Portuguese)
Participation of Stephany Griffith-Jones at Conference at the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES)
Call Special Issue – Contexto Internacional & Region/Periphery
Third EU-CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government will be held in Brussels on 17-18 July 2023